Medical journals report that pharmaceutical-based medicine is one of the leading causes of death & injury in developed countries.These articles explain so you can avoid becoming a victim. Death By Medicine - scientific studies show medical treatment may be the leading cause of death. Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure & Kill Millions of Humans? Are We the Real "Guinea-pigs"? . . . Medical journals report that pharmaceutical drugs injure millions and kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. This article examines how drug companies: i) use flexible unscientific tests to make their products look "safe"; ii) can then use those flexible tests as a legal defence to avoid punishment. Myths of Modern Medicine: The Increase in the Human Life Span - due to Medicine or Political Social Reforms? This article explains that the great increase in human life span in the developed world (during the 19th and 20th centuries) was due to political social reforms like better sanitation systems, improved hygiene and nutrition. It was not due to pharmaceutical drugs or other medical interventions. A History of Western Medicine, Medical Advances and Progress: excerpts from a book by medical historian Hans Ruesch. From antiquity to modern times, an explanation of how the major advances in human medicine came through the scientific, clinical and ethical study of humans. Furthermore, of how medical progress was often stalled and led astray due to the misleading results of unscientific methods of research; pseudoscience. What is the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution? (PDF) Article about how we are being poisoned by environmental pollution declared “safe” via unreliable safety tests. "Today's environmental laws are based on unscientific data … that protect industry and allow the existence of toxicants of all sorts in our food, air, water, home, and workplace." Doctors Against Vivisection on Scientific & Medical Grounds (vivisection = animal research, animal experiments, animals testing on live animals or humans). These doctors explain that vivisection is misleading and very damaging to human medicine. Furthermore, that it is not done for science but for commercial reasons to help insure companies against law suits from humans who are damaged by medical treatment. The Decline of Mortality from Infectious Diseases - from Dr Robert Sharpe's book "The Cruel Deception", an 11-page PDF excerpt. Myths of Modern Medicine: The Decline of the Infectious Diseases mostly occurred before commercial vaccines, immunisations and drugs were developed for them. This page contains numerous graphs and diagrams that illustrate the statistics and trends. Dr. Emil Levin refutes the American Heart Association's claims that animal research led to advances in human medicine. Scan of the Booklet Cardiac Arrest by Dr Emil Levin M.D. An enlightening refutation of claims made by the American Heart Association regards their use of animal research-testing-experiments-vivisection. As Dr Levin shows the medical advances came from scientific observation & treatment of humans and did not rely on animal research. Is most Cancer Research a Giant Fraud? Over many decades billions of dollars have been spent yet cancer rates have risen; researchers state that money is being wasted in a cycle of self-perpetuating research that supports a billion dollar industry reliant on keeping 'the cure for cancer: just around the corner!" About the Power of the Pharmaceutical Drug Industry over Education and Mass Media. Myths of Modern Medicine: Animal Research and Surgery (surgical training). Does practising on animals make surgeons better? No. In fact, as these leading surgeons explain, quite the opposite. Were the advances in surgery due to animal research? No. As these leading surgeons explain. Why the Unscientific Practice of Vivisection Continues: Dr Coleman explains: "Drug companies depend on the fact that animal experiments are unreliable in order to get their new products onto the market without testing them properly..." Furthermore, on how animal testing is an easier path for academics and organisations to access grant money and build careers. A Critical look at Animal Experimentation: PDF article from the Medical Research Modernisation Committee; by Christopher Anderegg, M.D., Ph.D.; Kathy Archibald, B.Sc.; Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D.; Murry J. Cohen, M.D.; Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D.; John J. Pippin, M.D., F.A.C.C. Myths of Modern Medicine: Animal Research (vivisection) had nothing to do with these medical advances. In this article Doctor M. Beddow Bayly explains how medical progress came about through ethical studies on human injury, illness and disease eg. stethoscope, radial pulse, blood-pressure, hypodermic syringe, anaesthetics, blood-transfusion, surgical skills, pharmaceutical drugs... Myths of Modern Medicine: Fallacies about Animal Research. In this article Doctor Charles Bell Taylor explains these major medical advances came about through study of humans: circulation of the blood, electricity, anaesthesia, antisepsis, surgery, glaucoma, functions of the brain, Pasteurisation... The International Congress Of Doctors Against Vivisection Quotes from doctors, scientists and ex-animal researchers who speak out to demonstrate that animal research (vivisection) is not scientific, retards medicine and causes many medical errors, human injuries and deaths. Why Animal Research Continues: (PDF) Expose of fraudulent animal rights & welfare groups & their alliance with the Pharmaceutical-Vivisection Industry. This article shows how these groups are financially in bed with the drug industry, promote pro-vivisection information and help suppress the truth about the human damages and deaths due to the unreliable results of unscientific animal experiments.
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